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Sep 13, 2014  Can I install Zimbra Desktop install on an USB Stick and run it on various computers? Maybe there is an additional flag which makes Zimbra Desktop portable? In a few configuration files, you would need to some how reference relative paths in the configuration settings. Under Windows, you would need to recreate the service. Zimbra Desktop Choose the Zimbra release and operating system you want to download.

[quote user='1133pstein']Can I install Zimbra Desktop install on an USB Stick and run it on various computers? Or does the installation need some Registry values resp.

Portable zimbra desktop windows 10

Additional files in other directories. Maybe there is an additional flag which makes Zimbra Desktop portable? Peter[/QUOTE] Note: I am not anyone from Zimbra Zimbra Desktop has hardcoded values of where the data store is in a few configuration files, you would need to some how reference relative paths in the configuration settings. Under Windows, you would need to recreate the service it registers before running it - this of course will not work on any locked down system, since those areas in the registry will be protected.

This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections. General Questions What is Zimbra Desktop? Is a free and open source email client application that gives you online and offline access to all your email accounts in one place. It's cross-platform, available on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS and Linux. Zimbra Desktop works with many types of email systems to synchronize email, contacts and calendar data between user's mailboxes in the cloud and local data stored on your computer disk. While synchronization requires network connectivity, Zimbra Desktop can be used offline when the user's computer is not connected to the network.

Is Zimbra Desktop really free? Zimbra Desktop is open source and free. We make both the software code and the application itself available to anyone at no charge. See for license information.

Does Zimbra Desktop contain any spyware? Absolutely not. In fact 100% of the Zimbra Desktop code is open source so everything the software does is open to the public. What types of accounts are supported by Zimbra Desktop? Zimbra Desktop supports the following account types: • Zimbra (for use with or ) • Gmail • Yahoo! Mail • Microsoft Exchange (via IMAP) • Other email services using POP3 or IMAP4 access What is a Zimbra account? A Zimbra account is hosted by a server running the software.

In order to use Zimbra Desktop with your Zimbra account, your service provider or your email administrator must be running ZCS 7.2.x or later. Contact your administrator for the email account settings. Do I need a Zimbra account in order to use Zimbra Desktop? You can use Zimbra Desktop with any types of accounts we support. Can I setup multiple accounts of the same or different types in one installation? You can setup as many or as few accounts as you need.

For example, you can setup two Gmail accounts of different usernames or domains, one Yahoo! Mail account, and one IMAP account for your company's IMAP server.

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Is Zimbra Desktop available in my language? Currently Zimbra Desktop does not offer a localized installer and account setup. However, after installation and configuration the application supports 20+ languages. You can set your languages from you Zimbra Desktop Preferences.

How do I get help with using the software? First, we recommend that you read this FAQ. Secondly, the Zimbra Desktop Release Notes have a lot of information about the latest release. Finally, you can get help on. When posting to the forum, always include: • the version number and build number. (Find this in the envelope icon, About Zimbra Desktop section.

The icon displays in the Microsoft Windows Tray or in the Apple Mac Dock row) • what platform (Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, Linux) • what mail service (Zimbra Collaboration Server, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc) I found a bug. How do I report it? Go to to file a bug.

It will help Zimbra engineers to investigate your issue if you include as much information as possible, including how to reproduce what you see. Sometimes screenshots can help. Always be sure to tell us: • the version number and build number • what platform • what mail service (Zimbra Collaboration Server, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc) If this is your first time logging a bug, you will need to register an account. Devil may cry 4 special edition pc download kickass. By doing this you will be notified on every update to the bug you file. I have this brilliant idea to make Zimbra Desktop significantly better. How do I get it into the product?