четверг 06 декабряadmin

Originally posted by:I have the same problem. Download speeds of about 0.5 when I actually have a 100MBps connection. The fact that this is still happening so long after the release is just disappointing, I shouldn't have to know how to go into a router to reconfigure it to run a simple game; and for the record, I do know how and even now, when I have put various port forwarding on, it still downloads too slowly to work.

Really wish I hadn't bothered with the game. Read the post above yours and then google it it's that simple. It's not going to get fixed by the magical IT faries. Also you should know how to do this if not stop whinging and go be a console scrub.

FFXIV ARR Forum - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Home Forums > The Adventurers' Guild > General Discussion >Cara menulis daftar pustaka sumber dari internet. Alternate Download (.torrent) for (8/23/13) patch.

Originally posted by:I have the same problem. Download speeds of about 0.5 when I actually have a 100MBps connection. The fact that this is still happening so long after the release is just disappointing, I shouldn't have to know how to go into a router to reconfigure it to run a simple game; and for the record, I do know how and even now, when I have put various port forwarding on, it still downloads too slowly to work. Really wish I hadn't bothered with the game. Then don't play any PC MMO ever made.

Because they all from time to time, depending on the user, need this. You actually have to do this with console games too sometimes.

You're saying a professional developer should be able to make a game that fixes your internet connection to work properly. Let's cut the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t and focus on your problem.

First of all, you may not understand how download speeds are measured. 100 mbps is actually 12.51 MB per second. Don't confuse bits with bytes. I know it doesn't seem so important but it suddenly turns your ratio of speed distribution from 1:200 to 1:48. That's significant.

(The 0.5 on your client is MB per second, not mbps.) You do not have a 100 MB per second connection. The lines that are needed for those are business class and usually cost several thousand to install, let alone maintain per month. Next, I'm actually going to assume you haven't actually tried everything. The download client that FFXIV uses (same exact technology that WoW uses, actually) is a form of torrent client that uses certain ports to download more efficiently, if your internet connection is actually clear. Let's use some Occam's Razor here: 100 MBPS is an impressive number, but how much of that is being used before your FFXIV client actually gets started?

I have a few questions, consider them: 1. Are you sharing the network with anyone else? Do you have any concurrent downloads from other clients going on?

Especially: Steam, GoG Galaxy, Origin or UPlay? Is anyone torrenting? Are you sure no one else is using your connection? Finally: 100 mbps may be what your provider claims you're getting, post a Speed Test result, let's see what you're actually getting after that connection passes your modem and router. Yay, go me:) never done that before!

As you see even on full load I get about 50Mbps to this PC and to the rest of the PCs in the house. So, it's not this end, the FFXIV did download, not sure on how many attempts we made but it's taken about a week and a bit off an on to achieve this; which is hardly ideal. What really gets me is it shouldn't be that hard, especially after all the various fixes were applied it still took a week and a bit. Maybe I am too old for this but at 40 quid a pop I'd just like a bit more commitment from their end on providing a download system that provides a working game in a reasonable time:) (I am starting to sound like my Dad now):). For the record, '50mbps' is only 8.5 MB per second maximum. This sounds like a lot, but the average computer, at best, can only handle about half of that coming in.

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Needless to say, you should still be expecting 4 MB per second in any given download. You're in the UK.

The servers are located in Montreal, Quebec. Most EU users are experiencing bad download speeds due to sheer distance from either the US or the Japanese servers. You're in luck though, because in November they'll be launching European specific servers, which I believe are going to be hosted in either Dublin or Paris, there are two major hosting hubs in those locations, either way, you'll be much closer. For now, I suggest using WTFast, it's a great service for getting proxy download speeds up.