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The Stevie Ray Vaughan Stratocaster is the signature model electric guitar of American. Number One, also called First Wife, was the nickname given by Stevie Ray Vaughan to his favorite Fender Stratocaster, built ca. With the notable 'SRV' stickers on the pickguard being completely worn off, Vaughan requested for. Strat Serial Number search. Discussion in 'Stratocaster Discussion Forum' started by tweeker1, Jan 5, 2018. Tags: I am looking at what is purported to be a 1989 Signature Series Custom Shop Strat, with a serial number of SE 921176 on the back of the headstock, along with the 'Custom Shop' and 'USA' logo.

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/ / ZAKGUY USA May 29th, 2004 01:42 PM Is there any way that I can date my Stevie Ray Vaughan Strat by the serial number? Doesn anyone know how I can do this?

Fsrstratman USA Arm the Homeless May 29th, 2004 04:00 PM It should have an SE, SN, or SZ. The SE is on the early SRV's and usually start out SE9******.normally, this would be an '89, but they didn't start making the SRV Strats until '92. Finding the year is really simple: If it is an SN, the 'S' means Signature, the 'N' means Ninty, and the first number after the 'N' is the last number of the year (i.e. If the first three of the serial are SN7, it's a '97). The same follows with the 'Z' after the 'S'.

The 'S' means the same thing, the 'Z' means 200- and the first number of the serial is the last number of the year (i.e. SZ2 is a 2002). This is a way to date your SRV Strat along with alot of other American Signature models (not including the CS Signatures or Mexican Signatures like the Jimmie Vaughan or the Robert Cray). This dating method also works for American Standard/American Series (No 'S'; just starts with either a 'N' or a 'Z'), the American Deluxe (The 'D' replaces the 'S'; 'DN' or 'DZ') and Standard Series ('M' is in front of your 'N' or 'Z'; 'MN' or 'MZ'). As a side note, if you want a better way to pinpoint the date, take off the neck.

Usually there is either a sticker or a stamp (sometimes hand written) with a date format of MMDDYY. Here, I'm not real sure how the SRV's neck would have it, but I'm almost postitive that it's there on the bottom of the neck where the neck meets the body. ZAKGUY USA May 29th, 2004 06:21 PM Thanks for that information, that is exactly what I needed.

RaffBluz USA Jun 6th, 2004 02:10 AM Because there is crossover between years on the serial number approach, the only really accurate way is to pull the neck and check the dates on it and the body. / / Reply to this Topic Display my email address Your Message: Link Address (URL): Link Title: Moderators: FDP, LLC Privacy Policy: Your real name, username, and email are held in confidence and not disclosed to any third parties, sold, or used for anything other than FDP Forum registration unless you specifically authorize disclosure. Copyright © 1999-2019 Fender Discussion Page, LLC All Rights Reserved.

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FENDER CUSTOM SHOP 'NUMBER ONE' TRIBUTE GUITARS When I toured the Fender factory in California in 2001, there was discussion about a possible limited edition Custom Shop replica of Number One. At that time, it was suggested that there might be as few as four replicas made. In November 2003, Fender announced that 100 guitars would be made, priced at $10,000 each, all made by John Cruz. The guitar debuted at the winter NAMM show January 15-18, 2004. These guitars have serial numbers, but they are NOT serialized 1 through 100. Each guitar John Cruz makes, regardless what kind of guitar, gets the next serial number in line. I believe the first Tribute Strat is JC044 and the last JC229.