суббота 02 февраляadmin

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Xosiyat: (Arabic) merit, special quality. ~i yo'q, of no help, for no good. Xosiyatli: special, good, lucky. Xosiyatsiz: adverse, unlucky; bad luck. U ~ odam He's a rotten man, He's bad news. Xoslik: uniqueness, specialness. Xossa: (Arabic) peculiarity, uniqueness.

Xosxona: residence (of government official). (Arabic) seal, stamp.

Xotima: (Arabic) conclusion. ~ ber to end. ~ yasa to bring to a conclusion. Xotin qizlar: women and girls.xotin xalaj coll.womenfolk.

Xotin: woman; wife; no longer a virgin. ~ kishi woman. ~ oshi women's feast, part of marriage celebration only for women. ~ peshin time at which women formerly performed their afternoon prayers (app. ~ ahli womenfolk, women.

~ ma'no woman, women. ~ hammom women's bathhouse. Katta ~ older, mature woman; older wife (of 2 or more). Kichik ~ younger wife (of 2 or more).

~ ol to get married, to take a wife (of a man). ~ qo'y to get rid of one's wife. ~ning javobini ber to divorce one's wife. ~ jallob man who has married and divorced many times.

Xotinak supurgi: short handled broom. Xotinboz: philanderer, womaniser, two timer. Xotinbozlik: philandering, sleeping around.

Xotincha 1: s. Xotincha 2: dim. Xotinchalish: effeminate. Xotinchasiga: effeminately.xotinfurush arch.pimp, hustler. Xotinli: married.

Xotinparast: man who worships his wife; womaniser. Xotinsiz: unmarried. Xotinsizlik: bachelorhood.xotinyong'oq bot.a type of almond.

The Connection is the studio/Mixtape Album by artist/Rapper/DJ Papa Roach, and Album has highlight a Pop, Rock sound. It was released/out on 2012 in English dialect, by some Music Recording Company, as the follow-up to last studio/Mixtape Album. Papa Roach The Connection Zip mediafire links free download, download Papa Roach The Connection, Papa Roach The Connection (2012), Papa Roach The Best Of Papa Roach To Be Loved - papa roach the connection zip mediafire files. Papa roach the connection zip.

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Xotir: (Arabic) memory, mind; respect, deference. ~i jam at ease, not worried. ~ingiz jam bo'lsin Don't worry., Not to worry. ~dan, to mull over.

~ga ol to think about; to keep in mind. ~dan kech to pass through one's mind. ~ga kel to be recalled, to occur to. ~imga keldi I recalled. ~imga bir fikr keldi I just had an idea. ~da tut to remember, to keep in one's mind.

~da bo'l to be in mind. ~dan chiq /~dan chiqaz to forget. ~ni jam qil to put at ease.

~i uchun out of respect for, in deference to. Xotira: (Arabic) memory; remembrance. ~ daftari diary, notebook. Mendan sizga ~ uchun This is for you to remember me. ~ taxtasi memorial board or display case.

~ga ol to recall. ~ kuni Day of Remembrance. Xotirjam: collected, contented, at ease.

Xotirjamlan: v.i. To be contented, to have one's mind at ease.

Xotirjamlik: contentedness, tranquility. Xotirla: v.t.