пятница 30 ноябряadmin

All retail software uses a serial number or key of some form, and the installation often requires the user to enter a valid serial number to proceed. A serial can also be referred to as a 'CD Key'. When you search for 'snmpc 7 serial' for example, you may find the word 'serial' amongst the results. SNMPc Network Manager 8.0 + Crack Keygen/Serial Date added: Jan 2018. Copy Download Link (paste this to your browser).

The best way to move SNMPc from one computer to another is to do a backup on one, install SNMPc on the new computer, then copy over the backup files and do a restore. You will need to stop the old server and enter the license number on the new server before you will be allowed to restore the backup (the eval does not allow backup restores). Note that all the necessary files are not stored in the backup. You also need to copy the entire MIBFILES directory from the old computer to the new one except for the STANDARD.MIB and BASIC.MEN files. This directory also contains NAMES.TXT (this is the list of MIBs to compile) along with any other MIBs you have added to SNMPc.

If you are upgrading in the process, you should *NOT COPY* over the STANDARD.MIB and BASIC.MEN files. These files on the new computer may contain information updated in the new version. You should copy the MIBFILES directory before doing the backup restore so that the MIBs are already in place when SNMPc needs to recompile the MIBs if the database format has changed from one version of SNMPc to another.

If all the MIBs are not in place, you may be missing custom event filters and MIB tables. If you have added any icons, you should copy them and any changes to the AUTOICO.TXT file from the BITMAPS directory as well.

If you are running SNMPc OnLine as well, first get the SNMPc Enterprise platform running correctly. When it is working, stop the SNMPc services and install the new version of OnLine over the new SNMPc install. Reboot after the install and verify that OnLine is working and that it is saving data. If this is working, go to the old OnLine web interface, go to the Config page, type in a directory name in the Backup/Restore section, then click the backup button. Copy the SNMPCONLINE.BKP and ATR_*.BKP files from this old system to the new OnLine install, then go to the OnLine Config page on the new server, type in the directory where you copied the files, and click restore. Note that if you were running the old version with an external SQL server, and want to continue using that server, entering the SQL server credentials during install will point the new install at the same database and all your data will still be in place.

Just make sure both versions are not running at the same time. SNMPc uses TCP ports 165 through 168 by default to communicate with remote pollers and consoles. You can change the ports it uses by editing the SNMPC.INI file and changing the PORT_XXX entries in the [SNMPcConfig] section.

Make sure you set the same values on both the server and remote computers. If you are using the java console, you will have to allow port 12421 (and 31415 for remote telnet) as well. The SNMP protocol itself uses UDP port 161 for requests to a device and 162 for traps sent from the device to the manager.

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If you are using SNMPc OnLine or the ODBC export and are having problems getting trend report data from a remote poller, make sure you have TCP port 167 open from the SNMPc server to the remote poller. These programs use a different mechanism to get the data than the console View Report command, and need to make a direct connection back to the poller. There could be problems with either the map or log databases which could cause problems like this. There are repair mechanisms, but before trying them, do a backup just in case.

When the backup is complete, stop the SNMPc services and run the LOGFIX.EXE program in the SNMPc directory. While that is running, you can delete the POLLDB.DAT and POLLDB.IDX files (they are a polling cache and will be re-created automatically from the map). Download the long tunnel john milne pdf online.

Also edit the SNMPC.INI file (located in your main SNMPc directory) and add the line 'MapFix=yes' to the [Server] section. When the LOGFIX is complete, re-start the SNMPc services.