PHP Serial I somehow got hold of a « Citizen C2202-PD » point-of-sale display, and I wanted to play around with it. I also managed to get the documentation of it, and created a convenience class to access the serial port though the Linux file. There are literally thousands of tutorials on how to install Ubuntu, so I'll refer you to those if you don't. How linux views files and use it on a port.
I have installed xampp in fedora 13.I am trying to communicate with microcontroller through serial port using php serial class. My code is example.php include('php_serial.class.php'); $serial = new phpSerial(); $serial->deviceSet('0'); $serial->confBaudRate(9600); //Baud rate: 9600 $serial->confParity('none'); //Parity (this is the 'N' in '8-N-1') $serial->confCharacterLength(8); //Character length (this is the '8' in '8-N-1') $serial->confStopBits(1); //Stop bits (this is the '1' in '8-N-1') $serial->confFlowControl('none'); //Device does not support flow control of any kind, so set it to none. //Now we 'open' the serial port so we can write to it $serial->deviceOpen(); $serial->sendMessage('*1' ); //sleep(1); // echo 'hi'; $serial->deviceClose();?> The php script gets executed but gives the following warnings.
Warning: Specified serial port is not valid in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/php_serial.class.php on line 147 Warning: Unable to set the baud rate: the device is either not set or opened in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/php_serial.class.php on line 241 Warning: Unable to set parity: the device is either not set or opened in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/php_serial.class.php on line 295. I have used the command: chmod 0777 /dev/ttyUSB0 to give permissions. I have also tried to add the apache user 'prudhvi' to the dialout group by using command: $ usermod -a -G dialout prudhvi But it doesnt work.
When I send a command directly from the terminal using the command: echo 1 > /dev/ttyUSB0 it works and '1' is transmitted to the serial port. But using php I get the above warnings. I have used the '$whoami' to check name of user and added that user 'prudhvi' to the dialout group. It still doesnt work. Please help me guys.
I did this once with Debian to control an Arduino board with a PHP script and initially ran into the same problem. In Debian, you need to add the Apache user to the dialout group in order to allow it to make serial connection requests. I would assume the same is true for Fedora.
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In Debian the command is: useradd -G dialout www-data However I believe Fedora names the Apache user as apache instead. I don't have a Fedora machine to test on, but I would assume the command you need to run is: useradd -G dialout apache You will then need to restart your xampp server. See the following for reference: Neal.
DeviceSet( 'COM1 '); // We can change the baud rate, parity, length, stop bits, flow control $serial ->confBaudRate( 2400); $serial ->confParity( 'none '); $serial ->confCharacterLength( 8); $serial ->confStopBits( 1); $serial ->confFlowControl( 'none '); // Then we need to open it $serial ->deviceOpen(); // To write into $serial ->sendMessage( 'Hello! '); State of the project Interestingly enough, this piece of code that is widely untested has created a lot if interest ever since it was created, and especially nowadays with everybody toying around with Arduinos and Raspberry Pis. I receive about 1 email every month asking for help with the code or sending patches/suggestions. I think that it is time for me to remove the dust off this project and to give it a full visibility on modern tools, aka GitHub. Bugs There is lots of bugs. I know there is. I just don't know which are they.
Platform support • Linux: the initially supported platform, the one I used. Probably the less buggy one.
• MacOS: although I never tried it on MacOS, it is similar to Linux and some patches were submitted to me, so I guess it is OK • Windows: it seems to be working for some people, not working for some others. Theoretically there should be a way to get it done. Concerns I have a few concerns regarding the behaviour of this code. • Inter-platform consistency. I seriously doubt that all operations go the same way across all platforms. • Read operations. Reading was never needed in my project, so all the tests I did on that matter were theoretic.
I was also quite naive, so the API is probably not optimal. What we need is to re-think reading from scratch. • Configuration done by calling functions. This is so Java.