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Advanced hardware discovery The plugin will search the monitored server for hardware components and monitor them. No need to tune the plugin to match different server models etc.
Blade detection The plugin will identify blade servers as such and will not report fans and power supplies to be 'missing' on blade systems. Remote or local check The plugin can check the system remotely via SNMP, or locally by using omreport commands. Performance data The plugin can give with the -p or --perfdata switch. Performance data collected include temperatures, fan speeds and power usage (on servers that support it).
Highly customizable A multitude of options lets the user tailor the plugin to meet his or her specific needs. • check_openmanage on check_openmanage is a plugin for which checks the hardware health of Dell (and some ) servers. It uses the Dell (OMSA) software, which must be running on the monitored system. Check_openmanage can be used remotely with SNMP or locally with, or similar, whichever suits your needs and particular taste. The plugin checks the health of the storage subsystem, power supplies, memory modules, temperature probes etc., and gives an alert if any of the components are faulty or operate outside normal parameters. Check_openmanage needs a normal perl interpreter, version 5.6.0 or later. The plugin assumes that perl is available as /usr/bin/perl, but you can easily change this as you wish by editing the first line in the script.

For SNMP, you'll also need the perl module Net::SNMP on the Nagios server (or the server running the queries). This module is not part of perl itself, but is available in all modern Linux distributions. Installing Net::SNMP is quite easy: • For RHEL6 and CentOS 6 the best way is to use: yum --nogpgcheck install yum install perl-Net-SNMP • For RHEL5 and CentOS 5 the best way is to use: yum --nogpgcheck install yum install perl-Net-SNMP • For Fedora: yum install perl-Net-SNMP • For SuSE: rug install perl-Net-SNMP • For Debian and Ubuntu: aptitude install libnet-snmp-perl To use the, you'll also need the perl module Config::Tiny. This perl module is available for most Linux distributions: • For RHEL, CentOS and Fedora: yum install perl-Config-Tiny • For SuSE: rug install perl-Config-Tiny • For Debian and Ubuntu: aptitude install libconfig-tiny-perl. Check_openmanage is an intelligent plugin.
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