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Download Lo madine ki tajali se MP3 Favorites Muhammad Siddique Ismail - Naat Khawan: Also known as: Siddique Ismail. 29 Islamic Audios.

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About: Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri is the King of Naat Khawans around the globe and no doubt, the most heartedly loved and praised. He is known for his melodious voice and his own style for Praising the Holy Prophet( S.A.W) There are hundreds of thousands of Owais Raza Qadri’s fans around the GLOBE. Owais Raza Qadri was born on July 8th, 1970 in Pakistan. He has done his intermediate. Allah has blessed him so much, as he has performed so many Hajj and UMRAAs. He is passionate about opening his own NAAT academy ( in Sha Allah very soon).

He started reciting NAATs when he was only 8. And his inspiration was AL Haaj Yousaf Ashrafi(late) who was a naat khwaan too. His first album was released in 1983, and after that there are numerous RELEASED. Owais Raza Qadri was married in 1994 and has 4 childern: 2 daughters and 2 Sons.

Owaus Qadri’s services for NAATs is recently Praised by Government of Pakistan, so he was awarded The Best Naat Khawan title in 2007. Other than Makkah and Madina, the country Pakistan is his most favorite. Among wearings, he likes Kurta-Shalwar the most.

His dearest friend is Mohammad Shoiab Qadri. According to Owais Raza Qadri, the most memorable moment of his life has not arrived yet. His Inspiring personaaity is Ala Hazrat Mujadid-e-deen-O-milat Shah Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi. Among dishes, his favorie is BBQ and favorite colors are white and black.

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Owais Raza has visited to many countries to spread islam and message of Holy Prophet( S.A.W) which includes UAE, KSA, Malawi, Syria, India, S Africa, UK, Canada, KuwaIt, Iran, Iraq, Switzerland, Bangladesh, USA and China etc. Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri always advises new NAAT KHAWANs that it is Ibadat and before reciting any NAAT, enough knowledge should be collected. They should be practical Muslims.