MSComm VBA Excel comms with serial port I had a development controller running in Excel VBA communicating with a Fluke 8845A digital multimeter. My pc recently died (for unrelated reasons) and am now attempting to setup the controller on another pc - but no luck. Although I am no Excel or VBA expert.I have learnt one heck of a lot in recent times. I have had some major issues using MSCOMM and finding information/support on the web. So I thought I would share how I got it working on an excel worksheet to communicate with a serial device.
It is possible to use mscomm32.ocx in excel vba. If you already have vb on your computer than it works in vba but if you don't, you must do the following. Get mscomm32.ocx and place it in your windows system directory. Get vbctrls.reg off a vb installation cd or internet and save it where you can install it into the registry. Now, go to start-->run and type the word command A dos window will appear. Type C: WINDOWS SYSTEM REGSVR32.EXE C: WINDOWS SYSTEM MSCOMM32.OCX this registers the control ************* (should you wish to unregister it for some reason do this below) C: WINDOWS SYSTEM REGSVR32.EXE /u C: WINDOWS SYSTEM MSCOMM32.OCX ************** Now type regedit in the dos window to start the registry editor. Import vbctrls.reg You may have to restart the computer now.
In privious versions of Excel have been able to communicate through the Excel comport using VBA and MSCOMM32.OCX. Now I have problems. I use at batfile to registrate the MSCOMM32.OCX. The content is listed below. I have an old excel file containing a form with an MSCOMM object inside. When I open the excel file, I get the following message: Forms: “Could not load an object because it’s not available on this machine.” When try to place an new MSCOMM object in the form from the toolbox, I get the following message: “The subject is not trusted for the specific action” What can be the reason? Bat file: copy MSCOMM32.ocx%windir% system32 pause regsvr32%windir%/system32/MSCOMM32.ocx pause.
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