No approved descriptions in database. There are no descriptions available for Death Note - L wo Tsugu Mono (J)(Independent) in our database. You can help us out by submitting a description for this title. Chances are, that since you are here, you must have either played or are going to play this game. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes emuparadise.org a more complete resource for other visitors. We approve newly submitted descriptions every day and you will find that it will not take long for your description to appear in this space.
Vzlom yandex denjgi na android phone. Sorry there are none that I know of. ROM translation is hard work so you don't see to many games translated unfortunately. You might want to. Jul 25, 2010 English Patch for Death Note DS Game. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
Thanks a lot!

First of all, hello to the GBATemp community, which is a nice one! I know it was requested a lot, but I haven't been able to find any translation for any of the Death Note NDS games.
If there's ANY project in progress or even in plans, I'd like to know about it. For those who don't know about the games: Death Note - Kira Game The game was released in Feb 15, 2007 (JP). It is a bit playable even with no Japanese knowledge, but you probably won't be able to understand much of what you say, not to say that it'll be hard to obtain apples in order to unlock characters like Near. Screenshots Death Note - L wo Tsugu Mono I don't understand the gameplay. So it's basically unplayable from what I've seen. But some screenshots with scenes look damn awesome.
Descargar traduccion espanol kingdoms of amalur reckoning dlc. Screenshots Can't find proper screenshots, but here's a gameplay. L - Prologue to Death Note Again, a bit playable, but still hardly understandable. There's some english there though.