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SAP CRM Middleware Overview Topics to be discussed • Introduction • BDOC introduction • BDOC classes • sBDOC (Synchronization BDOC) • mBDOC (Messaging BDOC) • I nitial setup steps for BDOC • BDOC monitoring steps Introduction • SAP has a very strong middleware tool when compared to other applications like Oracle where it is pretty easy for SAP CRM application to connect with and exchange data with other SAP Applications like SAP BW, SAP R/3 system etc. This connection and data transfer is established through middleware. From an ERP application perspective this is an extremely important aspect the data exchange among the systems is kind of back-bone and the crux of very existence of the application. • • Cr500 Crm Middleware Pdf Cr500 Crm Middleware Pdf Download This data exchange can be of following types between other systems and CRM: 1. Initial data transfer which is also called as Initial Load in SAP terminology 2. Jive will not function with this version of Internet Explorer.
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Intermediate synchronization of data among the applications also called as Delta Load in SAP terminology 3. Introduction • Just to throw some light on the kinds of data exchange mentioned above, it can be better understood if we look at the frequency of the data exchange.
Initial load is primarily a one time activity wherein when the connectivity is established between the systems, the data is transferred from one system to another. This data can range from configuration data (like pricing conditions) to master data (like Business Partners and Products) to transactional data (like Sales Quotations, Contracts and Sales Orders). • Delta load is an activity of intermediate data transfer among the systems. This activity takes place more often than not to keep the data in various systems in sync and also take care of the changes to details of the data in various systems.
Papa roach the connection zip. It also takes care of newly created data in the system and distributes the same to other connected applications. Primarily this takes place in real-time and is primarily done automatically. Synchronization activity is to take care of any out of sync data. This may be a cause of connectivity failure or might as well be an outcome of maintenance activity. This is primarily done manually as and when needed.
SAP CRM Middleware in SAP CRM Architecture sBDoc (Synchronization BDoc ) • Only used for data synchronization with mobile clients. • sBDoc types contain direct mappings to tables of the consolidated database.