вторник 22 январяadmin

The Amber document status indicator indicates that some caution is needed when using this document - it is either: • (a) current in the Construction Information Service but has a document or documents that replace or amend it, so please look at the 'Newer Versions' tab or • (b) not in the Construction Information Service but with another reason why it may be relevant to our customers such as being cited in NBS or in the Building Regulations Approved Documents. Again there may be more recent versions of the document. Mac news ticker.


Differential settlement around the circumference of the foundation below the shell of a vertical cylindrical storage tank is a particularly severe form of settl. BS 8005 Part 2 gives guidance on the design and construction of pumping. 620; API 650, BS 1564; BS 2594 BS 2654, BS 4741; BS 4994; BS 7777 The design.

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